When saving a locked perspective, you are required to Save As to a different name. 在保存一个锁定的透视图时,您需要选择SaveAs另存为一个不同的名称。
The best method is to edit a locked perspective from the Perspective Display panel, and then save the modified perspectives to a new name. 最好的方法是从PerspectiveDisplay面板编辑一个锁定的透视图,然后将修改后的透视图另存为一个新名称。
Roy was locked in a dog cage with little food or water as he kept screaming the name of his owner` s dead wife over and over again-after the widower` s new partner had moved in. 罗伊被关在一个狗笼里,没有充足的食物和水。自从它主人的新伴侣住进家中之后,罗伊就不停地念叨主人已故妻子的名字。
If the lock icon is locked, click it and type the name and password of an administrator. 如果锁图标已锁定,点按该图标,然后键入管理员的名称和密码。
If you have locked your Domain Name from the Control Panel provided by the Current Registrar, then a Transfer Request for that Domain Name will not be allowed. 如果你在当前注册商的控制面板里锁定了你的域名的话,该域名是不能转移的。你得先解锁你的域名然后才能提交转移申请。